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Daily Horoscope, June 14, 2013.


Horoskopi ditor, 14 qershor 2013.

Dashi 21/3 - 20/4
Mos u merrni me gjera te parendesishme sepse ne fund te dites do te kuptoni se keni harxhuar kohen tuaj. Mundohuni t’I jepni fund disa detyrimeve qe i keni lene pas dore.

Demi 21/4 - 20/5
Nese ndiheni i lodhur, kjo eshte per shkak te punes e cila eshte intensifikuar shume gjate ketyre diteve. Prandaj beni me shume pushim dhe ne kohen e lire argetohuni sa me shume per te rifituar energjite.

Binjakët 21/5 - 21/6
Jeni duke kaluar nje periudhe jo fort te mire financiare. Sidoqofte, mos e humbisni optimizmin sepse se shpejti gjerat do te ndryshojne per mire, vecanerisht nese jeni ne kerkim te nje pune.

Gaforrja 22/6 - 22/7
Merrini gjerat me qetesi edhe nese perballeni me kokefortesine e personave me te cilet punoni. Shume shpejt ata do ta kuptojne se keni pasur te drejte dhe gjerat do te behen sipas planit tuaj.

Luani 27/7 - 23/8
Ndjeni nevojen per te bere disa ndryshime rrenjesore ne jeten tuaj. Niseni kete ndryshim duke gjetur te dashurin e zemres. Mos hiqni dore edhe nese jo gjithcka po ecen ne ritmin e duhur.

Virgjëresha 24/8 - 22/9
Do te jete nje dite pergjithesisht e bukur. Do te kaloni shume kohe ne shoqerine e partnerit. Nderkohe pasditja do te jete me e ngjeshur dhe me shume aktivitet.

Peshorja 23/9 - 22/10
Do te degjoni shume thashetheme te cilat mund te mos ju duken te hijshme. Sidoqofte, mos u shperqendroni nga qellimet e verteta qe I keni vete vetes vecanerisht ne aspektin profesional.

Akrepi 23/10 - 22/11
Mos e ekzagjeroni me shakate sepse te tjeret mund te mos I kuptojne. Sot duhet te tregoheni me i rezervuar sesa zakonisht per shkak te aspektit planetar qe ju sjell energji jo fort pozitive.

Shigjetari 23/11 - 21/12
Keni ndjesine se ju pret nje kohe shume e ngarkuar me pune. E tille do te jete, por ju duhet t’I merrni gjerat me qetesine qe ju karakterizon. Do t’ia dilni mbane.

Bricjapi 22/12 - 20/1
Nuk ndiheni ne formen me te mire fizike. Per kete arsye do te kaloni nje pjese te mire te dites ne shtepi. Nga pasditja mund te merrni nje ftese per te dale me miqte dhe kjo do ju ktheje serish ne normalitet.

Ujori 21/1 - 20/2
Situata financiare duket e kenaqeshme. Nese keni bere ndonje investim, pritet qe sot t’i merrni frytet. Puna juaj do te shperblehet me se miri ndaj jini i gezuar.

Peshqit 21/2 - 20/3
Nje person i cili ka hyre kohet e fundit ne jeten tuaj do t’jua beje diten me interesante. Shijojeni ne maksimum sepse ne ditet ne vazhdim mund te perballeni me sfida te reja.


Daily Horoscope, June 14, 2013.

Aries 21/3 - 20/4
Do not get trivial things because at the end of the day you will understand that your time spent. Try to end some obligations that you have neglected.

Demi 21/4 - certificate 20/5
If you feel tired, it is because of work that is more intensified during these days. So do more rest and leisure time have fun as much to regain energies.

Gemini 21/5 - 21/6
Are you spending a period not very well financially. However, do not lose optimism because soon things will change for the better, especially if you are in search of a job.

Cancer 22/6 - 22/7
Take things calmly, even if confronted with the stubbornness of the people with whom you work. Soon they will realize that you were right and things will be done according to your schedule.

Leo 27/7 - 23/8
Feel the need to make some radical changes in your life. Start by finding a change of heart lover. Do not remove the hand even if not everything is moving at the right pace.

Virgin 24/8 - 22/9
Will generally be a beautiful day. Will spend more time in the company's partner. Meanwhile, the afternoon will be compressed and more activity.

Libra 23/9 - 22/10
Will hear many rumors that you can not seem elegant. However, do not be distracted from the real goals that I have to itself especially in the professional field.

Scorpio 23/10 - 22/11
Do not exaggerate with jokes because others can not understand. Today you need to be in the tank than usual due to planetary aspect that you hardly brings positive energy.

Sagittarius 23/11 - 21/12
You have the feeling that you expect a very busy time at work. And this will be, but you need to get things done tranquility that characterizes you. Will succeed.

Capricorn 22/12 - 20/1
We do not feel the best physical shape. For this reason will spend a good part of the day at home. On the afternoon could get an invitation to go out with friends and it will return you to normal again.

Aquarius 21/1 - 20/2
The financial situation appears satisfactory. If you make any investment, is expected today to get the fruit. Your work will be rewarded with the best on Be happy.

Fishes 21/2 - 20/3
A person who has entered recently in your life will make you the most interesting day. Enjoy maximum for the next few days may be confronted with new challenges.


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